Our missionaries

Pastor Walt & Karen Troup

Pastor Walt & Karen Troup arrived at A Place of Hope Africa in November 2014, following God's calling on their lives to take the gospel to the nations.  Every day, they care for the children by giving them a safe place to stay, nourishing meals, an education at a private school, and most importantly, the children see and hear about the love of Jesus Christ.

The Troups live everyday life with the children of A plAce of hope and also oversee two church plants including Glorious God Baptist Church in Opi, and Cornerstone baptist Church in Opi which Walt pastors. in addition, they oversee Cornerstone Christian Academy Primary school and Cornerstone Christian college secondary school.

​​Before arriving on the mission field, Pastor Walt served as an Executive Pastor in Texas, and Karen led mission teams around the world to places like El Salvador, Guatemala, and India.  Walt holds a Master of Divinity in global studies from Liberty University. not only do they serve as the directors and missionaries on the ground at a place of hope, but they are also Co-Vice Presidents of the Board of directors.

The TroUps are sent by Temple Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, where Doug Rife is the Pastor.  ( drife@templefw.com )